With the recent publication of the biography Nilsson: The Life of a Singer-Songwriter by Alyn Shipton, and the upcoming release of The RCA Albums Collection, friend and fellow singer-songwriter Jimmy Webb says the focus on Harry is long overdue. Here is part of a new article from Yahoo! Music:
“If you listen to [his albums such as 1968’s] Aerial Ballet or [1967’s] Pandemonium Shadow Show, it’s an education for those young songwriters and singers out there if you want to see how determined and how athletic he was as a singer,” Webb says. “It didn’t really end with that Badfinger song, ‘Without You.’ That was just the tip of the iceberg with him. You listen to this incredible set of albums and there are several places where you want to stop and repeat that, and say, ‘Wow, did he really do that?’ As an industry, we weren’t using a lot of gimmickry then. It was really flesh-and-blood human beings singing into microphones. And you go, ‘Wow, how could he possibly overdub himself that way and absolutely get it spot-on perfect every time?'”
Read more of the article “Nilsson & Jimmy Webb: Let Me Tell You About My Best Friend” at Yahoo! Music.